Third Eye and Heart Healing by an Angel

I'm a lightworker and psychic medium with a connection with spirit and the angels through the invisible layer that seperates the realms. 
i always find it so inspiring and curious when i look toward that realm and see the opening and whoever is on the other side coming through some strange portal like shape.... 
sometimes i can even see where they've come from or where they're going to... like when i think of my nanna and see a field with red and yellow flowers... i dont know what that is for her but it must be her place in between.

I have decided that i'm going to share all the metaphysical things that happen to me as they happen in this blog. 

i dont have many people i can share this with verbally, sometimes when talking to others about it, if they're feeling insecure about their ability or misunderstanding that we all see things as they're meant for us, they can get defensive or competitive so i tend to avoid talking about it... i dont want them to feel like what they're seeing or feeling isn't right or accurate.
we all have the ability to feel into the realm between worlds, and the same spirit can convey a message to one person and something entirely different to another. our life is transient and so are our perceptions.

tonight as i waited for my son to use the bathroom... he actually pushed me out of it during a phase of self loathing. i just want to be thin again. i want to fat to be off my arms and body. it damages my sense of self and my image of my body compared to that of my spirit. it's a 1st world problem really. too much food.

as i waited i sat, feeling directionless and empty... i was prompted to pick up my rose quartz pointer and held it in my left hand. 
I was directed to change hands but i resisted this as it didn't feel right... but i was told that i felt opposition because it was a barrier i needed to work with. the resistance was due to pain and a blockage. I shifted hands and yes it felt oppositional but i went with it...
i was then greeted with an angel presence and she helped me to lift up my left hand as if to feel for energy i though... but then gently my hand was turned over to be palm facing up and she held my hand from underneath with both hands of her own and began the process of healing...
i involuntarily moved the rose quartz to my forehead and began breathing through the tension... as if i was breathing through a stretch of a muscle... I do not know what she was healing but it was the start of a process. 
she told me 'you are loved' and i dont remember what else she said but it was one more phrase. perhaps it was to do with the process of breathing through the process of healing, or unblocking my energy centres... but what i found to be curious but also a blessing was i saw her harden her resolve and focus when my husband and sons began being loud and there was a shout through the house. it triggered stress in me and she breathed through it and continued her work.

as she finished, she told me this was the start and more work needed to be done later.
as she left. my hand dropped gently and my hand rested at my forehead a little longer, then just as genlty i moved my hand down and easily released the stone.

I didn't draw any cards and i didn't feel prompted to do anything further, aside from beginning this blog. 

I am grateful for my gifts and connection to the great God and all that God Is. 

Please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments.

#spirit #connection #psychic #medium #empath #lightworker #mother #healer #angels #god
