Choosing your Crystal for the Day


Madagascar Celestite

If you're like me then you will have a collection of stones in your bedroom or in the home somewhere that feels like your zen space, your peace of mind location.
And every day you'll automatically visit that area and either feel the energy of your stones by just standing near them, you may even feel gratitude for them in your life keeping the balance in your chi. 
Personally, I use this time to feel into which stone i feel most drawn to for that day. 
I have several necklaces with rocks attached. 

A Double Terminated Amethyst Generator pendant which i know feels into my psychic abilities of determination.

I have a rough-cut Clear Quartz in hemp cord which came to me after a conversation with a gorgeous, beautiful friend who also lives between the realms. We talked about how clear quartz was needed for that moon phase and i confessed i only had a cluster, no pendant or tumble to wear... two weeks later the clear quartz pendant found me through my monthly subscription to MindfulSouls. #blessedbe

I am yet to find use for my rough-cut fluorite pendant. This came to me also but without a clear purpose. but it hangs in my window waiting for the time when it's required. It is a bit too rough to wear around my boys as it does have a sharp edge so i feel that perhaps its design is to prevent from overuse as i love the colour. We shall see.

My Blue Agate slice hangs on a black glass beaded chain and it's by far one of my largest and favourite pendants to look at. I use this when I'm seeking confidence and strength socially without really thinking about it. I love this stone as it grounds my anxieties and brings about peace within my heart when i normally do feel anxiety about what i might say or feel when out with people. It also keeps my energy balanced when my babies are running around erratically. 

My black tourmaline really doesn't get utilised much anymore, i feel as though it was protective during the later stages of the pandemic when people's vaccinations were fresh and the magnetism from those injections was quite intrusive energetically. I feel as though now, I may not require this protection as much as I did before, or at least I'm not drawn to it as much as I was before. I seldom understand the messages or intuition I receive, so I just go with it, trust my guides and offer my insight.

I have a beautiful turquoise tree of life pendant... this pendant has a story to it but ultimately a spirit attached itself to the stone while I was travelling alone through Thunderbolts way in NSW and i had to smash the stone to release this male energy as he was like a succubus and was consuming my life as if he had decided we were partners. It was very odd... But I'm grateful for the moment when I removed the pendant, and my spirit guides were able to free me from his bond. It was only for a week or so and it was during the time of grieving after my grandfather had passed. 
Again, I find the whole situation so curious. I am looking forward to the day when I'll fully understand everything that comes through, but I know that will be when I too eventually pass on so for now I'm patient with the process of waiting. I am so grateful for my life here on earth. 

I also wear a Tigers Eye beaded bracelet and an Amazonite beaded bracelet which i found here

So to come back to the purpose here, the task of choosing my stones for the day really does depend on the spiritual intuition i receive. 

How do I hear the answer? What do i actually do?

1. I stand in front of my desk which has all my stones. I look over them carefully, I look at each one, appreciating them and where they have come from. Sometimes i'll skip a few if i feel drawn to look at a select few so dont feel like you need to gaze over each one, sometimes the message is fast.

2. You'll feel like 'yes, i'll wear this today' as you look at whatever is needed for the day. Or a tumble will catch your eye and you'll think, "i'll put that in my bra/pocket today" or however you might wear a loose stone...

3. As you take up your piece, you'll feel confident, like yes, i am happy with this choice.

If it feels heavy, or if you feel uncomfortable with your choice of bracelet or stone... rethink about if it's right for you for today... maybe something else is required but your conscious mind just loves the colour of the first choice.

Sometimes I ask the question of my angels too if there is confusion.
And sometimes I'll remove the stones all together and come back to 'old faithful' which is usually nothing or a stock standard beauty piece. 

You will know intuitively if you ask the question and listen for the answer. 


  1. Love this! You've inspired me to make space for my crystals, get them out of the box a lot of them are sitting in and reconnect with them 🩷


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