From Spirit to Son…

 I often look at my youngest boys and share gratitude for their existence in our lives without people around us truly understanding the story behind how they came about… and I don’t mean physically.

Back when Alyssa, my 4th child, was just a toddler I had decided I was not having more children.

I’d lost my pregnancy weight and was working on my health to become strong and increase my cardiovascular health. I was able to run and my goal was to be able to run for kms without getting tired. 

For a few days running I noticed a male energy hanging around the house. He was around 17 years old and I’d see him in the glimpses as I’d turn around and then double take, seeing his aura and identifying that the male spirit was in fact there to communicate.

He had come from a Scottish ancestry and was accompanied by an older man who wore some kind of uniform, military I felt. After a little while I noticed that this male had the same energy feel as my husband.

One day when going through the supermarket I was talking to my husband and turned to get his answer but realised he wasn’t there… but I could’ve sworn he was right next to me… I’d seen him the whole time in my peripheral vision…. I turned full circle to see he wasn’t actually even in the aisle with me. Confused I found him again and asked him when he’d actually stopped walking with me. I couldn’t believe that whole time I 1. Had been talking to no one, but 2. Had been walking with someone.

This was when I was sure  that this male spirit hanging around was intact Marks son and I was being guided toward bringing him to our family.

After this understanding happened I went about my days a few more days with noticing him around but no direct message. But then the overwhelming message came one day when I was again walking around the supermarket (this must be when I’m least distracted) and I felt a huge pressure in my diaphragm. It was like I was being squeezed. The message came to me that I needed to remove my contraception.

Seriously. Not in my plan. I had the sensation and message twice more before I made the appointment at the women’s health clinic to have the Mirena removed and as soon as I made the phone call, the presence stopped.

It was as if a huge weight lifted. I imagine gold light lifting the spirit and all who were here with him upwards.

The message I received about this “lifting” sensation was “now the work can begin”

My appointment was April 12th and It was 2 weeks after the Mirena was removed that Mark and I conceived Angus and he was born Jan 31st in 2018 on a SuperBlueBlood moon... truly an incredible rarity. Angus also has a Simian crease on his right hand... something i find curious but not sure of it's meaning as chromosomally he is perfect. something anyone who understands palmistry would surely find curious no doubt. 

Throughout my pregnancy, the older man remained and led the decision around Angus’ name and continued to lead him into his life but I haven’t really felt or seen him since, I assume that he is from the Edmondson lineage somewhere a long way back. 

The story of Angus’ name is quite interesting too, as Mark and I always joked about naming a son of ours Brutal… after hearing it on the moving The Green Mile…

When I was visiting my Nan before she passed, I had received a random message “Brutal isn’t a Scottish name”

“Isn’t it?” I thought…. So I brought out my phone and sure enough it was French. “Ok” I thought so I began searching for strong Scottish male names. I wasn’t even pregnant and hadn’t even felt Angus as a spirit near me at this point so it was an entirely hypothetical and random search.

I found the name Angus, and whether this is the definition or not what I read on my google search said the name meant “only one choice”

Crazy isn’t it… and in my pregnancy, while discussing names Mark said he didn’t love the name and wanted a different one… but the strong Scottish male spirit told me firmly that Angus had to be the name… I told him he needed to tell Mark not me… next minute mark said he was fine with the name afterall.

A few times I tried to understand the connection, and the manner by which Angus could communicate beyond the earthly plane that it was time for him to be here… a few mediums suggested he may have been my spirit guide and that enabled him to speak to me more easily. One day i'll have the answers, but I will never forget his accompaniment and the experience that brought my gorgeous red headed little man into our lives.

I have an equally incredible story regarding Connor but I’ll write it up another time.

So grateful for my little boys and how they pushed themselves into this earth life with us ❤️
