Water Baby!

Water constitutes 60% of the human body.

Have you ever wondered why? Or even considered the role water plays past the logic of waste removal.

Water makes up 73% of the heart and brain and 84% of our lungs.

I could go on throwing statistics out there about water and body composition but my focus right now is based on the reality that our bodies operate with electrical nerve communication and water.

So my brain turns to the concept that in order for optimal neurological function, surely adequate hydration is required…and I think about things like plants without water, or submersible filters or heaters for an aquarium… ok yes I’m looking at my fish tank right now but my point is and I think you’ll relate, that without water in the mix of what these things are designed for, they would fail, fault or die.

And I feel like this is something we don’t think about and need to.

But in a more metaphysical sense, I know that being properly hydrated has led to the increase in my ability to focus and conceptualise the messages God wants me to hear and help others with. When I make sure that my body is a conduit for even flow energy, brain to base through the water medium, then I am able to easily operate within his light and feel my purpose.

It’s not a perfect science of course, I’m theorising based off my own understanding and logic. But it does make sense and has felt true for at least my own experience.

I want you to join me in a visualisation.

Look beyond the words as you read them and imagine your body from an outside perspective. Standing upright with palms toward the front.

Imagine your nervous system and the flow of energy as it circulates around your body - down from your brain, into each limb and around where you identify your internal organs to be. The energy flows like blue arrows moving in a system created for a purpose.

As your energy circulates I want you to think about if you’ve had enough water in the last 24 hours or maybe a week… are there any parts of your perceived body that appear dry as you think on that thought? Or do you know you’re hydrating well therefore the system remains blue and functional.

Look into how your mind tells you where your body needs help. Is your head sore? Is your digestion browning in your view, so you see your hands disappear?

It’s so crucial for us to understand the relationship water, energy, and our spirit have with each other.

I challenge myself daily to ensure I’m drinking because being human we miss these things sometimes… if you’re reading this I feel this is such a powerful message to share.

Hydrate, so that you can hear with your heart and mind what you are designed to know 🫶
